top social media sites

Top Social Media Sites for Small Businesses

Choosing the right social media sites to invest your time in that will maximize opportunities for your small business Gone are the days that businesses need to have multi-million dollar marketing budgets to communicate to the masses about their products and services. Businesses can now connect and communicate with customers and prospects directly with...

Pinterest minimum image size

Pinterest Minimum Image Size for Pin Friendly Website Photos

Design your website content with photos sizes that are large enough for Pinterest to encourage more image pins and website traffic Many businesses are starting to see that having a presence on Pinterest can be very beneficial to growing their brand, website traffic and general consumer buzz. People stumble onto images or photos on...

Comparison Chart for Choosing Between Top Social Media Sites for Marketing

Compare Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube and Google+ to choose the best social media sites to invest time and money in brand promotion, advertising, and communications for your business and industry type Social media sites have become a must-have communication and promotional medium for businesses to include within their marketing plan. But with the...

Pinterest for brands

Pinterest Step by Step Guide for Promoting Small Business Brands

Simple and easy to follow instructions for small businesses to get set up to use Pinterest as a brand promotional tool to generate more exposure, viral buzz and web traffic As the new social media phenomenon of Pinterest gains momentum with consumers, small businesses are beginning to wonder how they can get on board...

social media account management

Social Media Account Management Strategies for Small Businesses

Small businesses need to develop a plan for building, implementing and managing activity for social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn Although larger businesses may have been the earliest adopters of social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn for business promotions, small businesses are quickly realizing that a social media presence is...