5 Killer Email Marketing Strategies to Increase Sales

email strategies

marketing planEmail marketing strategies to generated online revenue from shopping cart abandonment, inactive customers, online reviews and discount incentives

You can attend webinars on how to make money online. You can even enroll to marketing assistance courses dedicated to helping you create the best copy for your business. Ultimately, the best way to measure if all your efforts make a dent is if it increases your sales.

A online shopping study shows that email marketing accounts for 7% of e-commerce dealings and ranks as the second most effective advertising channel.

If you are looking for ways to improve your chances of selling online, it’s time to shift your focus on email marketing and how you can leverage it to get higher conversions.

Check out these 5 killer email marketing strategies to increase sales: 

Strategy #1: Encourage customers to leave a review.

Did you know that products with reviews enjoy a 10% higher conversion rate compared to those without?

When customers purchase from your online store, send them an email encouraging them to leave a review on your page.

product sales email

It’s best to schedule an automatic email that reaches customers a few days after receiving the item. The successful transaction is still fresh in their minds and they will likely leave a glowing review. 

Strategy #2: Setup e-mails for abandoned transactions.

Give people a nudge when they started shopping on your online store but failed to get through the checkout.

abandon checkout email

Setting abandoned transaction emails benefits both your business and the customers. It could be that customers had to stop shopping to finish errands, run out of battery, or lost connection. Whatever the case may be, you can never go wrong with sending this type of email. Doing this will also give you a heads-up if there are bugs or issues that need fixing on your website.

Strategy #3: Make sure your email fits all types of screens.

 70% of email users delete a message if it doesn’t fit their mobile screens. This is 70% of your potential customers.

email strategies

Today, people neither have the time to adjust messages to fit their mobile screens nor the need to open their desktops just to check their email. If you want to increase your sales, make sure you don’t lose more than half of potential buyers just because your email won’t display properly. 

Strategy #4: Send out limited store credit.

Nobody can resist store credit. Even if they didn’t have initial plans to shop, people will be persuaded when they know how much they’ll lose if they don’t grab their limited store credit.

special savings email

A sense of urgency plus a surprise discount? If you’re a customer, those are enough reasons to go shopping!

Strategy #5: Don’t let dormant customers get away!

A successful email campaign isn’t just one that reels in new clients. It’s also the type that brings back inactive customers!

Some people may think they can do away with your business. Change their minds by letting them know how much they are valued.

inactive customers email

Whether you call it retention email or dormant customer email, this kind of message lets people feel they’re still an important part of your team.

Are you excited to practice these 5 killer email marketing strategies to increase sales? Put them on test and watch your revenues double.

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Editorial Staff

This article was written by SBMarketingTools.com editorial staff.