Digital Marketing Forecasts for 2019: What’s In And What’s Out

digital marketing trends

marketing plan2019 digital marketing trends small businesses need to think about adding to their New Year annual marketing plans

With the start of 2019, you might have considered switching around your digital marketing strategy. You’re not alone; in fact, most companies use a variety of digital marketing strategies and techniques to tap into niche markets and attract new companies.

It makes sense to switch up tactics when you only have around 10 seconds to leave an impression on a potential consumer. Your small business needs to make the most of the latest marketing strategies and tactics in the ever-evolving world of digital marketing.

Here are some of the top digital marketing trends that are expected to dominate in the new year.

Personal engagement

The internet has permeated nearly every part of our lives and everything your consumer wants is at the push of a button. How are you going to make your business stand out from the crowd?

Personal engagement is leading the charge. Heavy hitters in the social media realm (cough, we’re looking at you, Facebook) have made detrimental mistakes that have shaken user trust online. By improving customer service and interacting with them on social media outlets and review sites, you may win a customer for life.

“As a backlash to poor service, scandals, and even the current political environment, marketers will focus on treating customers more like human beings (than cash cows) in the new year and those that do will be rewarded by customers buying more and being more loyal,” reports author John Waid, a global sales culture expert.

Upgrades on efficiency

Unless you’re able to deliver quick, efficient service to your consumers, you’ll lose sales. As mentioned above, you have less than 10 seconds to secure a lead once they enter your site. If your site doesn’t load quickly in the first place, there’s an even smaller chance you’ll earn that lead.

As such, you should upgrade your IT equipment to handle the necessary changes that should be made. It’s recommended that data centers upgrade their IT equipment every three to five years to keep up with market demand and new software. As such, you can still expect to see Chatbots, AI responses, and automated voice messages so companies retain high levels of efficiency. If you’ve been procrastinating on upgrading your website’s hosting, 2019 is an excellent year to make the change.


Muted whisperings about 5G capabilities have been passed along the marketing funnel for a while now, but the promise is finally expected to be fulfilled in 2019.

5G capabilities will enable faster speeds with lower latency times. It’s expected that this technology will be implemented in just about anything, from cars to phones to smart homes. Whether you’re selling new 5G products or your business is upgrading to take advantage of this new technology, featuring this benefit on your website will be sure to drum up excitement among consumers.

Digital marketing trends wax and wane and not every strategy can be implemented by your company. When you’re trying to diversify your marketing strategy, follow these ideas for inspiration when creating your annual marketing plan this year.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.