DIY Ways to Spice Up Your Office Art and Get Your Employees Involved

marketing planCreate an engaging and inspiring office environment for your small business on a small budget using some creative DIY art ideas

Art in the workplace is way more important than you might actually think. It can be used to easily transform an empty room and take it from drab to fab. Wall art and other decor can help people be more productive and can even help reduce their stress levels in the workplace. In fact, 94% of people believe that art makes their workplace more welcoming and 61% say it also stimulates creativity.

While the art is great itself, it can be even more meaningful if the employees are the ones who made it. Encouraging employee artwork all over the space will not only get their brains working, it will get them excited to come into the office every day.

Turn scrap into framed office art

Pieces of art can be made out of recycled items or out of random things you have lying around.

For example, DIY Joy suggests taking pieces of old scrap fabric and putting them into frames. It’s likely that the scrap pieces of fabric you have lying around aren’t all going to be the same pattern, style, size, or shape. This is actually a good thing! You can take a few pieces and put them in many different rooms throughout your office. each piece of fabric won’t look the same, but you can use it as a way to inspire the theme of that specific room. If you do have a few pieces of the same color or pattern, hang them all together.

DIY recycled office art

If you want to encourage employee artwork, but also want to enforce the importance of recycling, try out some DIY recycled art projects.

Bored Panda has come up with some super easy ways to utilize old soda bottles. For example, you can dip the bottom of an old soda bottle in paint and use it as a stamp. Creating a stamped piece of artwork could be something really cool to hang up in the office.

You can also utilize bottle caps. You can take different caps of a bunch of different colors and arrange them however you’d like. Glue them to a piece of paper or a flat board, and frame it. These are super easy ways to utilize the three Rs we know and love (referring to reduce, reuse, and recycle).

Turn everyday items into office art takes recycled art a step further. They’ve compiled a few ideas to reuse everyday items for art that don’t necessarily need to go on the walls. For example, take an old bottle, whether it be a soda bottle or a wine bottle, and attach a soap pump to the top of it. Tt’s an easy alternative to buying an expensive soap dispenser.

If your office is getting in the holiday spirit, you can take old yogurt cartons and align them, bottom facing outward, in a big circle. Paint the cartons, glue them together, and attach ribbon to the top of your new wreath! You can hang it from a wreath hanger on your office’s front door.

Using your employees’ art skills to create pieces that can spice up the dull, empty walls of your office can help them not only get their creative juices flowing, but it will make them proud to see their pieces displayed every day.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.