Here’s How to Maintain Your Commercial Roofing

commercial roofing

When you own or manage a business, you’ll have many responsibilities. One of the most important concerns will be ensuring the building stays safe and sound for as long as possible. Some of the most critical safety concerns about a building involve the roof. By reviewing some tips from commercial roofing experts, you’ll be able to extend the roof’s life for as long as possible.

Keep Your Roof Clean

Your roof will inevitably collect dirt, leaves, moss, and other debris. Twigs, branches, and rocks can also land on your roof. Scheduling regular roof cleanings will prevent blockage of your gutters and drainage pipes from your roof.

Home repair expert Bob Vila estimates that most roof gutters will last 10 to 15 years. To keep the gutters clear, they’ll need to be kept clean. You’ll need to climb a ladder to regularly inspect and clean your gutters.

Maintain Sewer Drainpipes

Most commercial buildings have flat roofs. Many of these have gravity drainage systems. SF Gate further clarifies this by stating that your main sewer drainpipe needs to be the same width – or wider – than the largest branch of your sewer drainage system. To be specific, the main drainpipe should have a diameter of four inches.

Keeping those gutters and drains open is especially important after a storm. If snow builds up on your roof, it usually drains once the sun returns. But, when snow combines with ice and other roof debris, it is more likely to cause a blockage. Scheduling snow removal services along with your plowing service will be essential.

Fix Problems When They Happen

As soon as you notice any problem with your roof, it would be best if you took care of it. If you delay taking care of a problem, it could worsen and cause major damage to your roof. Whenever you inspect your roof, look around to see if any branches seem ready to fall. By trimming them before they fall, you’ll be taking steps to prevent roof damage.

Take Preventative Measures

Whenever you inspect your roof, be sure to also look at the heating and air conditioning units. If these units sustain damage, it will not only impact your comfort but could also lead to roof damage. Checking the vents to be sure they’re sealed should be part of your regular roof maintenance.

Although you’ll have people walking on your roof while they work on it, do your best to limit the number of people walking on the roof. The more people walking up there, the greater the risk will be for roof damage. You can install special elevated roofing pads at roof access points to limit roof foot traffic.

Hire Professional Help

Because roof maintenance is so essential to the safety of your business, one of the best safety measures to take is scheduling regular roof inspections. A professional roof inspection should be done at least annually. Inspectors have an objective eye and expert knowledge to find any actual or potential roof problems.

Whenever your roof needs repair, hire a professional roof service. With skilled workers, you’ll be assured of a quality job. Professional roofing contractors are also likely to screen their employees for drug use, which can give you extra peace of mind. With arrests for analog drug use leading to fines of up to $1,000 or a year in jail, these contractors protect themselves with those drug screenings as much as they protect you.

The roof of your business is a vital part of keeping your employees safe. Watching your roof for possible problems and scheduling regular inspections are among the many important ways to ensure roof safety. When your roof needs repair, hiring a professional is the best way to do the job correctly.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.
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