Marketing Strategies for Your Bathroom Remodel Service

marketing strategies

If you own a bathroom remodel service, you need to get the word out about it. You might have the best service and end results in the world, but if no one knows about it, they aren’t going to hire you.

Here are some marketing strategies you should consider to make your bathroom remodel service a success.

Get on Social Media

If your company isn’t already on social media, you need to get on there immediately. Social media is where companies do a lot of their marketing since it is where their customers spend time. Look for social media channels that you can easily maintain and that show off your services. Not only will this provide you with a free way to showcase your expertise, but you can also use social media to connect with potential clients.

Figure out what people like. For instance, 29.51% of home bathrooms have a contemporary design. If you can educate people on bathroom design while also taking their tastes into consideration, you’ll establish yourself as an expert in the field. This will make it more likely that people will come to you for their own remodels.

Have Physical Promotional Products

While social media is essential to a modern business, you should make sure you are considering your local base as well. Many older people aren’t looking for bathroom remodels online, so you want to have physical marketing products for them to use. Nearly seven out of ten consumers consult a printed catalog before making a purchase. This is another large market you’ll want to tap into when you’re planning your marketing strategy. Consider things like catalogs, as well as business cards, flyers, and signs that you can distribute throughout your local community.


Search engine optimization should be an essential part of your marketing plans. This makes your website more attractive to search engines. Since so many people start their product research on search engines, you need to be able to get your business in front of them. Otherwise, they either won’t see you or will go with a competitor who has better SEO.

There are a lot of aspects to search engine optimization, so you might consider hiring someone to work on this for you. They’ll be able to get your site in front of customers who are looking to remodel their bathrooms. Since 70% of those who were planning home upgrades in 2021 planned to do a full bathroom remodel, this is a large potential market to consider.

Ask for Testimonials

If you do good work, your customers will be willing to tell others about it. Word-of-mouth marketing is very powerful, but you can’t control it. What you can control is collecting testimonials. A testimonial is a message from previous clients that talk about how well you do your work. You can use these as social proof in order to attract future customers and show them you know what you’re doing. Ask customers directly to provide testimonials for you. Even if they like you, they may need this nudge in order to do so publicly. You can either collect them and publish them yourself, or have a way for customers to upload these testimonials to your website on their own. Then you can use their statements as part of your advertising.

When you own a bathroom remodel service, it is up to you to get the word out about it. You want to reach your customers where they are and show them that buying from you is a good investment. Use these tips to get started, then build off of them as your business grows.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.