Maximize Workplace Efficiency: 5 Great Ways to Increase Office Productivity

marketing planWays your small business can improve your workplace efficiency and productivity for a better work environment that also will boost your bottom line

Approximately 73% of the U.S. workforce — 100 million people — are considered ‘knowledge workers.’ These professionals deal with massive amounts of information, work inside open office environments, and utilize all kinds of groundbreaking technology to remain productive and efficient.

The U.S. workforce has certainly changed over the last few decades. Since technology has evolved for just about every aspect of business, it’s much easier to remain efficient within an extremely competitive marketplace. Simply relying on tech, however, won’t solve all your organizational issues. You need to effectively balance motivation, foresight, and maintain workplace comfort levels all while utilizing top-of-the-line technology.

All of that can be quite overwhelming for a business owner. You can make it easier by outsourcing the optimization of your infrastructure to a company like Accudata’s managed IT services in Houston they will do the heavy lifting for you. Thankfully, there are ways to break down how to effectively run your organization and thrive in today’s modern world.

Outsourcing your IT needs to a managed services provider is a great way to off load that headache to experts in the field of IT.

Here are some of the best ways to increase workplace efficiency and productivity, subsequently boosting your company’s bottom line:

Utilize document digitization services

According to a global survey of IT professionals by IDC, document challenges account for as much as 21.3% of productivity loss. In the past, a company’s essential documents had to be stored physically on-site. Think about all those papers overflowing cardboard boxes — that’s a lot of clutter. Thanks to document digitization services, you can now convert all your financial, personnel, and essential data into digital files that can be easily and securely stored for decades.

Improve air quality

The Harvard Business Review recently published an article titled: Research: Stale Office Air Is Making You Less Productive, which took a look at how air impact’s a worker’s cognitive performance.

The research found that simply making a few adjustments for better air quality can improve workplace productivity by as much as 11%.

“Better air led to significantly better decision-making performance among our participants,” the study authors wrote. “The results showed the biggest improvements in areas that tested how workers used information to make strategic decisions and how they plan, stay prepared, and strategize during crises. These are exactly the skills needed to be productive in the knowledge economy.”

Play comfortable music

Even listening to music can improve workplace productivity. According to a survey from Robert Half, a global staffing division, 71% of respondents (710 people) said that listening to music makes them more productive inside an office environment.

“Happy workers are more productive workers,” said Marie Tillman, founder and CEO of Mac and Mia, a curated children’s clothing serve. “If music is something that makes someone happy, I think it makes them more productive.”

Prevent noise-related distractions

According to All Work, noise is actually the primary cause of inefficiencies inside the workplace — especially in open office environments since noise and distractions prevent employees from focusing on individual tasks.

There is at least a 66% drop in performance when an employee is exposed to noise.

“Distractions from internal or external sources of noise can impact considerably on productivity,” Unispace researchers noted. “In fact, distraction from noise is often one of the lead causes of dissatisfaction with the office environment.”

Simply by soundproofing an office, you’ll be able to improve workplace concentration by as much as 48%.

Offer stock in the company

Offering stock in a business is a creative incentive that will typically give employees a feeling of pride and attachment to a particular organization. Employees who feel like they are part of something larger than themselves will be able to focus much more on some of the micro and macro aspects of a business.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.

One Comment

  1. Couldn’t help but laugh a bit… in one point you recommend playing music in the office, and then in the very next you recommend getting rid of noisy distractions! I guess you just have to be careful and choose music that no one considers to be noise 🙂

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