Office Team-Building Activities Your Staff Won’t Dread

office team building

Read these office team-building activities that your business could benefit from and put them to use to improve your teams’ cohesiveness.

Office team building activities, when done right, can help bring co-workers closer together, improve their morale, boost creativity, and help identify different people’s strengths and weaknesses, so it’s easy to know what gaps exist and how to fill them. Read on to see some of the office team-building activities that your business could benefit from and put them to use to improve your teams’ cohesiveness.

Recognize People’s Achievements

One good team-building activity you can hold is to have people share their achievements and recognize each of them. If you’ve had teams working on different projects, you should also recognize them for being exceptional or simply giving their best effort. When people feel that their work has been recognized, this serves to boost their morale and they don’t feel too replaceable. This will in turn help improve productivity and the team spirit for everyone, making your office an amazing place to work.

With over 525,000 software and IT service companies currently in the United States according to CompTIA, and about 40,500 tech startups established in 2018 alone, there’s a lot you can celebrate if your business is in this industry. Even if it’s not, there’s no shortage of tasks and activities well done that you can give your employees some congratulations or even a small gift for.

Have Trust-Building Activities

Trust-building activities are another good idea for office team-building activities. Most of these won’t take a long time to complete, but they will still give your team a great experience. With about 63 million Americans or 25% of the adult population volunteering their time, energy, and talents to make a difference, you may have a few people in your team who will be more than happy to share some great activities that will bring everyone closer together.

As these activities will call for trust, they will result in a more tight-knit group that works towards common goals together. People will be more open-minded and accepting of each other in the end, and only good things can come out of this. An example of a trust-building activity is the game called minefield, in which people are paired up and have to work together to avoid stepping on a mine as they make their way across a room.

Have a Brainstorming Session

The final idea for a great office team-building activity is to hold a brainstorming session. Make the session about a bigger goal that’s meant for the longer term and you will make it possible for your team members to show their creativity. With new research from CompTIA finding that seven out of ten people who work in the high-tech industry today said they’ve either heard or read about workplace diversity issues in the last year, you may brainstorm about diversity.

You will be pleased to emerge with some amazing ideas which you can put to use and improve the state of your employees’ welfare. When people work in an environment that’s comfortable for them and one in which their ideas are valued, they stand to be very productive. You can easily streamline processes and improve your workplace culture with a few team-building brainstorming sessions, so organize for one for your next office activity.

These three office team-building activities are enough to improve your employee’s moods and boost their productivity. Just make sure to plan for them beforehand so that they go according to plan. When you have a successful activity, you will be sure to see the results in no time at all. Even if the first one you organize doesn’t go as well as you hoped it would try again and you will hopefully have learned enough from the previous time to make it a success this time.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.
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