How SMEs Can Benefit from Remote Work and Startup Revolution

remote work

marketing planHow small business startups are revolutionizing work process and organization in changing markets worldwide

The 1980’s were the yuppie era. In the 1990’s, corporation capitalism reached its peak. The 2000’s saw the unprecedented growth of digital technologies and its penetration into the business world.

Nowadays, we’re witnessing significant differentiation of the global business market. The forerunners of this change are the mobile market and Web-based startups. An incredible rise in the number of smartphone users is affecting the way we communicate and use the Internet. On the other hand, small businesses represent a perfect amalgam of creative ideas and fast responses to the fast-changing market.

Here’s how they can benefit from the changing conditions of the business market worldwide.

Global companies and Local Startups

The way businesses collaborate has changed in the last decade. In the past, large corporations would simply relocate their production plants into developing countries. The former would get cheaper workforce, while the latter would get new investments.

Today, however, global companies outsource educated workers in search for fresh ideas. Therefore, an ideal case for a large company is to cooperate with several startups from different parts of the world. In addition, those startups should cover a variety of business fields.

Startups always need assets and large companies want innovative associates. This is why “companies and startups became best friends”, as Fortune put it. So, if you want your business to start working for such companies, go and register on work-mediating online platforms and analyze how your business ideas can fit into the existing demand.

Lower Expenses and Higher Revenues

The ideal of every business project is to keep expenses as low as possible and boost revenues. This is where large and small business players can find some great win-win solutions. First of all, an online startup doesn’t need to have a brick-and-mortar office. Working in cutting-edge software solutions available in the cloud and using online storage packages completely eliminates the need for tangible business premises. That way, your client has already dodged a significant number of expenses.

Moreover, if a startup agrees to work for payments that are lower than the ones in their client’s home country, the client will be able to make some savings for future investments. What’s more, such an agreement frees a lot of assets that can be used to provide startup workers with some state-of-the-art equipment. In return, they will perform their work tasks more quickly.

startup work process

Integrated Communication and Workflow

When an SME has established a business relationship with a new client, it’s crucial to set some clear communication principles.

For instance, if your client comes from another time zone, you should schedule meetings so that they aren’t held in the wee hours. Also, things get complicated if that client outsources another startup from another time zone for some other projects that are closely related to your work. One way to come up with an all-inclusive solution is to use VoIP tools for fast communication.

However, when your managers or their fellows from other businesses attend business events, they might not be available for online calls. This is why you should have a backup option for such cases. As the communication specialists from Orange company suggest, using a phone in such situations is the most practical solution. What you need is a package that will ensure cheap international calls. That way, you’ll be able to reach your clients and other professionals they work with in no time.

Startups are revolutionizing work process and organization. As a result of the global market, today people aren’t limited to their local community anymore. You can work for dozens of companies across the globe, which can give your startup a great upward nudge.

SME owners should jump on the bandwagon of the current changes and find a place for their enterprise in the business future. As they keep growing, one day their startup will become a large company that hires other startups to work for them.

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Dan Radak

VPS Security Specialist
Dan Radak is a web hosting security professional with ten years of experience. He is currently working with a number of companies in the field of online security, closely collaborating with a couple of e-commerce companies. He is also a coauthor on several technology websites and regular contributor to Technivorz.