Why Do Marketers Have To Understand the Advantages of UX Research

UX design

UX design marketing does not just sell your product or service—it sells a feeling.

User research has become essential as UX design becomes popular in various companies. 

User research opens the door to different customer connections by examining consumer behavior and proposing answers to their requirements. 

Reports show that 39 – 74% of businesses say that user experience is crucial for increasing sales, while 40 – 80% of potential customers could be lost if a business doesn’t have a website with good visuals.

Moreover, research is a technique to better understand customer behavior before developing a design.

Does this not look like market research? It most certainly does not because they are two different elements. 

When considered in context, there are not, nevertheless, there are many more distinctions. 

User experience research investigates how to design a product and helps users quickly learn about it. 

In contrast to market research, which deals with analyzing the viability of a new good or service via direct consumer research, UX research focuses on how to design a product.

In this article, you will discover other distinctions between user and market research, and will also get to know why doing user research is crucial for marketers.

So let’s start talking about it.

Differences between UX research and market research

UX research

UX Research and Market Research are terms that have been used interchangeably, maybe because of the similar word research. They are both different from each other in terms of consumer convenience.

Research is key to the development and implementation of new products or designs. The two key phrases, UX Research and Market Research might sound similar because they each have similarity and probably the same focus.

However, they mean different things in terms of consumer behavior and competitor analysis. 

UX Research is an in-depth study to better suit user expectations and provides a better user experience. 

Salesforce released a report that revealed how 76% of customers expect companies to understand their needs and expectations. This shows how important user research is in user experience. 

User experience (UX) research is the study of discovering the needs and desires of a system’s or product’s end users, then using those insights to improve the design process for goods, services, or software. UX research may take many different shapes depending on the context. 

For instance, UX research may include verifying ideas and prototypes for product teams, while marketing teams may use it to evaluate brand designs and messaging before product launches. 

Moreover, research is the foundation of UX design.

On the other hand, market research is the procedure used by a firm to obtain data about its target market and the ideal client to draft a marketing strategy that will enable conversion for the firm. 

Data collection for this study may include talking to existing or past clients, consumers in your target market, or even the marketing efforts of rivals.

In general, user research is more qualitative than market research, which is quantitative.

The benefits of a UX research plan

UX marketing

The benefits of a UX research plan  surpasses the challenges that’s involved in its operations. It should not be new to you anymore that the essence of research in product introduction or creating design is understanding what customers value and want. 

This will require you to study their behaviors and actions to create a better product that will suit their needs. It’s much more than just creating a visual for customer attraction.

You should create the best design that appears on the site for visitors.

Ledgeview reported that 75% of customers judge the credibility of a website based on its aesthetics, and 89% of consumers shop with a competitor after a poor website user experience. 

So, it will be unproductive to sit down and assume that a product or design you created will match users’ needs without studying what the user wants. 

So, in your best interest, you will get to know the benefits of UX research. 

So, let’s get in full.

  • Foundation for marketing

The basis for product development, consumer interaction, and marketing plans across all media channels is UX research.

Every campaign must be based on the information and carefully studied to establish the most successful technique for grabbing the audience’s attention since the success of every graphic relies on how the user reacts to it.

The visual must adhere to the brand promise, which may entail creating a marketing campaign specific to each demographic group. 

Promoting several features of the Nokia 7610 is the best illustration of the value of UX research. That is why the first Nokia phone with a full QWERTY keyboard is a  perfect example.

User experience (UX) research must include analyses that explain the users’ responses to the brand and its relationship with other customers.

  • To set priorities

Proper research is a pathway for setting the right priorities. As a market, consumers exist with so many preferences, likewise having unlimited wants.

Therefore, preference comes in because you will prioritize the product you are creating and designing. 

  • To boost user engagement

It is one thing to get customers and another to work towards maintaining them. Chances are that you might lose them to other competitors if you don’t have a proper maintenance system to accommodate your customers.

The world evolves every day with new technology and ideas coming in every day, so you must constantly research and follow the trend to keep abreast of the happenings and better serve your existing customers. 

  • To create products for customers

Creating a new product and design is fun when you know what your users want. It’s just like a tailor-made design because it just fits them automatically.

The best product to respond to a user’s needs and purpose is the one they want and the service that gives them what they need at the right time. 

User experience is the process of building, testing, and validating a product (app, software) or service to meet the needs of the people who use it.

Service design aims to create a product or service by identifying the user’s needs, formulating a strategy for meeting them, and creating prototype designs evaluated for their effectiveness. 

It means that a product or service is put together in such a manner that they are intuitive, so the user may easily understand how to use it.

  • Decision making

Decision-making is the guiding tool of every company. The kind of information you get from your research will determine the type of decisions you will make. 

The decision will either affect your business positively or negatively. It will either bring more leads or paint a bad image to visitors.

  • Quality improvement

The starting point for improving any product or design is to employ more research strategies; a better user interface for a user-fun experience for the user. 

Hence, you will agree that if you don’t survey the market to get feedback from customers, you won’t know where you are getting it wrong. 

That is why in designing, we have a system called usability where you get real people to test your products before putting them out there for users. 

  • Prediction of customers’ expectations

Research offers you the chance to predict your customers’ expectations, thereby knowing what they are looking forward to getting from a particular design or product.

Imagine you saw an advert telling you to go to a website to get more information about the adverts, and on getting to the site, you were discouraged by the visuals. 

Of course, you may not want to go back again because of your bad experience. 

So, to keep visitors, create an appealing visual that will attract them. 

  • User optimization experience

The best way to get a user to come back to your site is by suggesting relevant offers, coupons, and deals. Generally, people tend to stay on sites longer when they are satisfied. 

All things being equal, users will likely return to a site if it looks friendly, efficient, and familiar. That is, when users recognize and feel comfortable with the experience of being on the site, they may be more likely to explore other pages or leave for good. 

Where first-time visitors would naturally want to return, subsequent ones will want to come back for more. 

Another observation regarding first-time visitors is that they are usually concerned with information: What is the purpose of a website? What content do they need to find to achieve their goal? 

These should be some of the things you should consider to give your users that great experience they want.

  • Increased revenue

An increased customer base will lead to an increase in revenue. As more visitors visit your websites and possibly use your applications, they might become potential customers, increasing your earnings as a company and customer base as a marketer. 

Last words

You have seen how necessary UX design is to a business. Not only is it the business of a designer but the work of a marketer also, since the marketer has to come up with something colorful in the eyes of its users.

So, research every work before designing it because this is an eye-opener most companies do not know.

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