5 Greatest Advantages of Digital Publishing for Your Small Business

digital publishing

marketing planWhy every small business can, and should, make digital publishing part of their ongoing content marketing strategy

While seldom visited libraries and bookstores might make it seem like not a lot of people read books nowadays, this is not an accurate indicator. If you take a look at the digital publishing statistics, you’ll see that the number of self-publishing authors is at an all-time high right now. To make a long story short, digital publications bring many advantages to the table, some of which can even bring a massive boost to your business.

Here are five digital publishing advantages that we found particularly useful.

1. Low costs

Publishing an e-book or a whitepaper is much easier in the digital form. Apart from this, it is also much cheaper. Think about it – all you need to do is convert your piece to an appropriate form which is usually either PDF or EPUB, while some platforms even support basic formats, such as an MS Word file.

Apart from this, you should also work on the front page of your piece. Here you can either use your own artwork or a photograph. If you choose to go with a photograph, and especially if you decide to go with the one that was not taken by you, you’ll first have to purchase the photo and then alter it in Photoshop or a suitable alternative. The costs of all of this are not particularly high, since you are probably already subscribed to most of these programs anyway.

2. Establishing authority

Another reason why you should turn to digital publications is that they give you a simple and straightforward way of establishing niche authority.

A big part of your brand’s image depends on your personal brand and what better way to establish yourself as an authority on the topic than to publish something about it? Of course, posting a blog about it may seem sufficient but there is a huge discrepancy between the way your audience looks at a professional digital publication and the above-mentioned blog post. In order for all of this to work, it needs to fully satisfy two different aspects, the storytelling and your brand’s content marketing SEO.

3. Attracting target leads

When it comes to e-books, they are nothing but the ultimate form of content marketing. By identifying your target demographic, finding a topic they will be interested in, and finally publishing and promoting it, you will attract a lot of target leads.

One of the reasons you should turn to e-books instead of blog posts is that people are looking more and more favorably upon longer content formats. In fact, the most preferred blog posts nowadays are those with more than 3,000 words, which was not the case only a few years ago. In other words, publishing an e-book will help you stand out from your competitors.

digital small business

4. Easy distribution

Make no mistake, digital publications are promotional materials. Now, one thing that differentiates them from the traditional forms of promotional materials is the fact that distributing them is incredibly easy. This can be easily done through platforms like Amazon Kindle, Apple iBooks or Barnes & Noble. In this way, you might even get an opportunity to effortlessly grow your emailing list, which will make your future digital marketing efforts much easier.

5. Generating a side income

When it comes to platforms like Amazon Kindle, you won’t be able to set the price of your e-book as “free”, seeing as how the lowest price available is $0.99. That being said, you can even increase the price a bit and turn this promotion technique into a side-project that is passively generating money for your business.

Seeing as how a lot of businesses don’t start making a profit until they are in the business for at least 6 months, you might use this source of side income to maintain a steady cash flow.


At the end of the day, the key thing to keep in mind is that using digital publishing to give your business a boost is a low-effort project. This means that even with your current obligations, you won’t have to sacrifice much of your efficiency and dedication to look into it.

Due to the fact that running a small business or a startup is an arduous job as it is, this feature alone makes digital publishing a great idea. Moreover, keep in mind that the eBook consumption is currently on the rise, which means that the full effect of your current effort might drastically increase in the future.

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Editorial Staff

This article was written by SBMarketingTools.com editorial staff.