3 Key Strategies To Optimize Your Dental Practice’s Website


marketing planDigital marketing strategies for dental practice businesses to boost website visibility and differentiate your dentistry

When it comes to digital marketing, there’s no one-size-fits all solution. Every industry is different in how it must market its products and services.

Take dentistry, for example. This healthcare field is ubiquitous, and so it’s important to advertise your dental practice’s services in a way that can relate to multiple audiences.

Here are just a few ways to boost the quality and visibility of your dental practice’s website.

Start a Blog on Your Dental Website

Most people think that blogging is only an applicable marketing tactic for certain industries, but that’s simply not the case.

Ongoing and timely blogging can be a way for small, local businesses to boost user interaction as well to rank highly within Google’s search algorithm. However, the key to making your content as effective as possible is incorporating the right keywords while keeping the content entertaining and informative. Investing in a small SEO plan is often the best way to see some significant ROI.

Prioritize Visuals

According to Inspired Magazine, you have just 10 seconds to make an impression and tell Internet users what they’ll get out of your website and company. And while most of your dental website’s visitors will enjoy reading your informative blog content, adding colorful visuals to supplement your blog posts is a great strategy to amp up user engagement and keep visitors on your page longer.

Charles Crawford writes on DentistryiQ,

“Infographics rely on visual representation to transmit the maximum amount of information in the smallest possible package. There are plenty of obscure dental facts that would interest potential patients that can be displayed in this way. Sharing interesting and well-done infographics is an excellent way to generate traffic and links to your website, especially if it goes viral.”

And it’s true — using concrete facts to connect with your audience is a proven strategy to gain new clients.

For example, most people know that dental care is important, but they may not know that 60% to 90% of school-age children and nearly 100% of adults have dental cavities. Using relevant facts like these challenges readers to think about their dental regimens and may even prompt them to schedule an appointment.


Emphasize What Makes Your Practice Unique

Finally, in all of your website’s content, it’s important to highlight the features that make your dental practice unique. Why should people choose your office as opposed to a competitor’s? Does your practice offer services that others don’t?

For example, only about 10% of all U.S. dentists place implants, and if your office does, it should be one of the biggest selling points of your digital marketing campaign.

Similarly, incorporating video footage into your website’s content is a great way to boost engagement while highlighting the most unique aspects of your practice. If your office’s professionals have significant experience working with children, for example, making a short video introducing your office’s friendly staff is a great strategy that will put you one step ahead of the competition, especially in the eyes of those who have children.

All it takes to get started is a video camera and some video editing software. A quick online tutorial should give you enough information to utilize the basic functions and add a level of professionalism to all of your website’s videos. It’s definitely a worthwhile investment, as long as it’s consistent.

“Even a short video that’s rich in information can boost traffic to your website, as not only can they go viral, but they are also ranked high in Google searches for “how to” and other keywords,” writes Crawford. “Also, putting video on your website helps for SEO purposes.”

Ultimately, taking advantage of these dentistry digital marketing techniques is the best way to keep up with the competition in today’s ever-changing business climate. Above all, always stay vigilant about emerging trends and stay up-to-date on the best digital marketing practices.

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Valerie M.

Valerie M. is a writer from Upstate New York. She received her Bachelor’s degree in Journalism from The State University of New York at Fredonia in 2016 and is currently working at a digital marketing agency where she writes blog posts for a variety of small businesses all over the country. Valerie enjoys writing about music, animals, nature, and traveling.