An integrated direct marketing approach that includes Facebook ads, online and offline campaigns will help you generate more leads on Facebook Whether you love Facebook or can’t stand it, it’s clear this social media giant isn’t going anywhere anytime soon. Just check out these statistics: 27 billion people log into Facebook each month 79%...
They Said Direct Mail is Dead and Then Tried it – See Their Results!
Small businesses that think direct mail is dead and only rely on digital marketing are missing out on real local marketing results Let’s be honest — do you think direct mail is dead? If you’re like a lot of business owners I meet, you probably believe digital marketing is the future, and therefore, hands-down...
5 Direct Mail B2B Marketing Strategies You Should Steal (Like Right Now)
B2B direct mail marketing strategies that will boost your small business marketing efforts without wasting time or money Whether you’re looking to incorporate direct mail in your B2B marketing strategy or you just want to tweak and maximize a campaign you’ve been running for years… you’re in the right place. B2B marketing (that is,...
6 Ways to Know if Your Website is a Loser
Website design do’s & don’ts to ensure it is working for your small business Small business owners, I have some bad news: The days of prospects ringing your phone off the hook for more information are over. Your phone doesn’t ring the way it used to, does it? I sure know mine doesn’t! That’s because:...
4 Things You NEVER See Successful Business Owners Do
Marketing mistakes successful small businesses will never make Do you ever wonder why some businesses grow exponentially while others struggle to survive? The answer, in one word, is: MARKETING! It’s how I built PostcardMania from a fledgling startup to a $45 million enterprise with 200 employees. But there is a right way to market...
3 Simple Ways to Avoid a Summer Slump
3 easy ways to use marketing to avoid a summer slump in your business Many businesses have a slow season, whether it’s summer or winter. Sometimes the reason for the slowdown is obvious—sometimes not. The question is: What do you do about it? Your first instinct might be to tighten your belt and cut down...
How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?
Quick question: What’s your marketing budget? If you’re like many small business owners I’ve talked with, you might not have an answer. I know marketing budgets aren’t super sexy – but they are DIRECTLY CORRELATED to your business growth. Consider these numbers: Companies that grew 1-15% year over year spent an average of 16.5% of their...
10 Marketing Habits of Successful Small Business Owners
Running a small business is a full-time job. How’s that for the understatement of the decade? More like two or three full-time jobs! On top of keeping up with the books, hiring and training staff and staying on top of industry trends (and hundreds of other tasks), you need to market your business – if...
3 Steps to Making New Mover Marketing Work for Your Business
Imagine you’re a new mover. Most of you, I’m guessing, don’t have to “imagine” — you’ve probably moved at least once in your life, if not several times! (Did you know that the average American moves 11.7 times in his or her lifetime, according to the U.S. Census Bureau?) Think about what those early...
7 Data-Driven Steps to Crazy Holiday Sales
Well, this year went by in a blink, didn’t it? I can’t believe the holidays are coming up so fast. Are you ready? More importantly: Is your MARKETING ready? Well, ready or not, it’s time to start implementing your holiday marketing strategy so you can make this your most profitable season ever — what...